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[Teacher Resource Pack] Teacher Resource Pack on GCED Integration into Instruction_NaCCA_Ghana_2024

20.02.2025 | apceiu-cdi | 3 reads

4th (2022~2024)


The Teacher Resource Pack on GCED Integration into Instruction is designed to help primary four to six teachers integrate global citizenship skills and values into their teaching and learning activities. It is developed through the 3-year GCED CDI Project from 2022 to 2024, in collaboration between Ghana's Ministry of Education, NaCCA, and APCEIU. The resource pack provides a structured framework, key themes, and practical lesson exemplars to support effective GCED implementation in primary education.



Table of Contents

Section One: Background p.3

Section Two: Global Citizenship Education (GCED) p.11

Section Three: GCED Learning Domains p.17

Section Four: GCED Pedagogy and Assessment p.39

Section Five: Subject-Specific Curriculum Mapping p.51

Appendix p.107

References p.111