The 1st Year of GCED Curriculum Development & Integration Project (3rd Round- Georgia, Lao PDR) Launched with Kick-off Workshop
15.07.2021 | gcedcdi | 6 reads
On the 24th of June 2021, APCEIU held the official kick-off workshop to mark the launching of the GCED Curriculum Development & Integration Project (2021-2023) via Zoom for the newly joining 3rd round countries (Georgia, Lao PDR).
As the official launching of a three-year project (2021-2023), the workshop provided key stakeholders from Georgia and Lao PDR with a project overview and key information on the collaborations ahead. Also, representatives from Cambodia (1st Round, 2016-2018), the Philippines and Kenya (2nd Round, 2019-2021) also joined the workshop to share their experiences on the project.
The project aims to reflect each country’s local contexts and needs in developing GCED-integrated curriculum and teachers’ guide or GCED learning/teaching materials, thereby effectively mainstreaming GCED in their educational systems. In this regard, this workshop provided an opportunity for Georgia and Lao PDR to explore the possibilities and viable strategies to develop the GCED curriculum that reflects their educational context and socio-cultural background.
Lastly, through this workshop, the participants reaffirmed the salience of mainstreaming GCED in the national educational system in the wake of COVID-19 and shared important insights for the successful implementation of the project. Based on the workshop, Georgia and Lao PDR will embark on their first-year project and are expected to have a capacity-building workshop in August (TBC).