Final Output

[Final Report] GCED Curriculum and Integration Project Final Report_Lebanon_2021

09.06.2022 | apceiu-cdi | 69 reads

2nd (2019~2021)

2021 Final Report Lebanon: GCED Curriculum and Integration Project

Cover for 2021 Final Report Lebanon


This is a compiled documentation of the final outcomes of the GCED CDI Project in Lebanon, whereby GCED curriculum across both primary and secondary school levels were developed to be more robust. The report includes the materials created and used to evaluate, monitor, and execute the GCED curriculum, as well as the documentation of the process of its creation. It is written in both English and Arabic.


Table of Contents

Introduction, p.1
Activity 1: Producing Digital Activities and Corresponding Teacher Guides, p.2
Activity 2: Preparing a Training Material, Training the Trainers and Training the Teachers, p.3
Activity 3: Community Advocacy, Consultation and Validation, p.8