Final Output

[Final Report] GCED CDI Project_Integrated Teaching Modules of Literacy and Numeracy for Primary Teachers in Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific Region (English ver.)

18.02.2025 | apceiu-cdi | 26 reads

3rd (2021~2023)


This is a compiled documentation of the final outputs of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MoECRT), Indonesia, and APCEIU's joint partnership to develop the GCED curriculum, particularly for primary teachers in Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific region. The report includes the overview of the 3-year GCED CDI Project and the development process of 4 teaching modules, aiming to strengthen STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathmatics) based literacy and numeracy competencies.


The development of literacy and numeracy teaching modules for basic education teachers in Indonesia that integrate Global Citizenship Education (GCED) focuses on global climate change. The teaching modules guide the implementation of co-curricular projects through a variety of activities, increasing students’ literacy and numeracy skills while raising their awareness as global citizens. The outputs of the project include four co-curricular projects, a module development guideline, as well as a final report. Four modules have been developed and implemented by teachers in elementary and junior high schools. Two modules for elementary school are “Becoming Zero Waste Heroes” and “Avoiding Food Waste, Time to Share.” Two modules for junior high schools are “Ecobrick: Beat the Plastic” and “Every Drop of Water Counts.” The implementation of the four modules has proven to increase students’ cognitive, socio-emotional, and behavioural development. The outcomes have been documented in the project's final report. Meanwhile, the module writing guideline provides a reference for teachers in developing the modules while considering the content knowledge related to climate change, as well as the writing technical guidelines, so as to meet the pedagogical consideration.  



Table of Contents

Part 1. Introduction p.1

    A. Program Overview p.1

    B. Program Activities p.2

Part 2. Activity Report p.17

    A. Agnita Handayani p.17

    B. Novita Fatmasari p.25

    C. Yuni Ifayati p.31

    D. Kultum Afifah p.40

Part 3. Conclusion p.47