Final Output

[GCED Curriculum] Moral Civics for Upper Secondary Level (KHM)_Cambodia_2018

20.07.2022 | gcedcdi2 | 22 reads

1st (2016~2018)

Moral Civics for Upper Secondary Level (KHM)


Cover for Moral Civics for Upper Secondary Level (KHM)


This is a GCED-integrated Upper-Secondary level Moral Civics curriculum that resulted from Cambodia GCED CDI Project involvement. The is written in Khmer. An English language version is also available.



Table of Contents

Declaration, i

Forewords, iii

Preface, iv

1. Introduction, p.1

2. Purposes and Objectives, p.1

3. Main Principles, p.3

4. Teaching Hours, p.4

5. Implementation Guidelines, p.4

6. Assessment, p.6

7. Table of Syllabus, p.7

8. References, p.29

9. List of Committees, p.30