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[2021_Report] National Report 2021 On Activity Results_Kenya_2021

15.06.2022 | apceiu-cdi | 169 reads

2nd (2019~2021)

[2021_Report] National Report 2021 On Activity Results Kenya


Cover Page [2021_Report] National Report 2021 On Activity Results Kenya


This is a national report that was done by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development upon completion of the GCED CDI Project. It outlines the context of Kenya’s involvement in the project and the various undertakings and results over the 3 years. This includes the process of developing the various materials, pilot testing, the launch of Citizenship Education Centers of Learning, and evaluation and revision.


Table of Contents

Ⅰ. Introduction, p.1
Ⅱ. Purpose of the Project, p.21
Ⅲ. Main Lines of Activity and Results, p.23

Ⅳ. Challenges, p.25
Ⅴ. Recommendations and the Way Forward, p.28
Ⅴ. Annex, p.30