2022 Lao PDR Capacity-Building Workshop for GCED Integrated Curriculum Framework Development
31.05.2022 | apceiu-cdi | 110 reads
From May 10th to 12th, APCEIU conducted an online Capacity-Building Workshop for Lao PDR, one of the 3rd Round (2021-2023) countries participating in the GCED Curriculum Development and Integration Project. As part of its 2nd phase activities, Lao PDR launched the development of the GCED Integrated Curriculum Framework for Secondary School Civic Education (the Framework), based on the results of their curriculum mapping. Participated by the Curriculum Development Committee of Lao PDR, APCEIU and external experts, the Workshop aimed to assist in developing the Framework.
Following Lao PDR’s sharing of their Project progress, presented by Ms. Itthida Gnangnouvong and Ms. Sengpapha Holanouphab, Dr. Carl Dellomos, one of the leaders of the Philippines Project (2nd round, 2019-2021), shared their experiences and lessons learned and provided practical advice and feedback.
In the following session, Mr. Andy Smart, the international consultant who specializes in textbook development, discussed how to tackle challenges and emphasized the importance of incorporating perspectives and expected roles of learners, teachers, and textbooks into the Framework. Ms. Lea Espallardo, the specialist in creative pedagogy, expanded on the issue of the curriculum as practised, and further discussed the role of teachers and the importance of pedagogical principles in curriculum development.
The Workshop invited the participants to engage in discussions through the sessions and reflection & synthesis, moderated by APCEIU and the experts. The Curriculum Development Committee of Lao PDR will complete the draft of GCED Integrated Curriculum Framework for Civic Education (Secondary Level) by July. Once the Framework is completed, it is expected to launch the development of Teachers’ Manual on the GCED Integrated Curriculum in August.