
GCED CDI Project and GCC Programme in Nepal making progress with the Capacity-Building Workshops on GCED

26.11.2024 | apceiu-cdi | 17 reads


Joint Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED for GCED CDI Project and GCC Programme in Nepal was co-organized by Curriculum Development Center and Center for Education and Human Resource Development from 20 to 22 October 2024


In partnership with APCEIU, the Curriculum Development Center (CDC) and Center for Education and the Human Resource Development (CEHRD), under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Nepal, have initiated the first year activities of the GCED Curriculum Development and Integration Project and GCED Cooperation Centre Programme in Nepal.


Launched in 2016 and 2021, GCED Curriculum Development and Integration Project (GCED CDI) and GCED Cooperation Centre Programme (GCC) are the flagship projects of APCEIU. Nepal joined as the 5th Round Country of the GCED CDI Project and the 4th Round Country of the GCED Cooperation Centre Programme. These projects will be implemented by Curriculum Development Center (CDC) and Center for Education and Human Resource Development (CEHRD) respectively.


In collaboration with APCEIU, CDC and CEHRD co-organized the Joint Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED for the GCED CDI Project and GCC Programme from 20 - 22 October 2024 in Kathmandu, Nepal. This workshop aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of GCED by focusing on three themes: General framework of GCED, an overview of the GCED integration into curriculum, and transformative pedagogy for teacher education.


Around 55 participants, including the Curriculum Development Center, Center for Education and Human Resource Development, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 7 Education Training Centers of Nepal, APCEIU, and international experts, participated in the workshop. 





The first day of the Joint Workshop began with the opening ceremony, including the welcoming and opening remarks from the representatives: Hon. Shiba Kumar Sapkota, Joint Secretary of Planning and Monitoring Division of MoEST, Mr Ima Narayan Shrestha, Director General of CDC, Mr Mahendra Parajuli, Deputy Director General of CEHRD and Jeongmin Eom, Deputy Head of APCEIU. It was followed by the ice-breaking activities and the introductory session on the GCED Framework, which provided an overview of the GCED to the participants. 




The second day of the workshop sessions focused on the curricular integration of GCED and GCED pedagogy for teacher education and training. During the sessions, the participants actively interacted with and engaged in discussions with other participants and facilitators by contextualizing key issues and lessons in their own contexts and sharing their ideas and visions on the promotion of GCED in Nepal through the curricular implementation and teacher training.





On the last day, the in-depth discussions and activities to identify strategies, opportunities and challenges in promoting GCED were carried out based on the previous sessions on the introduction of GCED Framework, Curricular Integration on GCED, and GCED Pedagogy. The participants were divided into three groups for the group reflection and the plenary synthesis on what they learned and discussed, for the next steps forward.


The 3-day Joint Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED provided the stakeholders an overview and a wider understanding of GCED and its integration.


This three-day intensive capacity-building workshop will be followed by the Consultation Workshops on the GCED CDI Project on 23 October and GCC Programme on 24 October respectively.  The GCED CDI Project will then also hold the Curriculum Mapping Workshop for the core group on 24 to 25 October 2024, all in Kathmandu, Nepal.