Final Output

[Monitoring and Evaluation Report] GCED Curriculum Integration and Development in the Philippines Project_Philippines_2021

01.06.2022 | apceiu-cdi | 79 reads

2nd (2019~2021)

Monitoring and Evaluation Report


Cover page for Monitoring and Evaluation Report




















This is a report that documents the process and outcomes of the pilot testing and validation of GCED-integration materials that were developed from this project in the Philippines. The report outlines the methods of gaining the insights on the pilot testing (such as focus-group discussions), and qualitative and quantitative instruments and analysis methods. The descriptive data for the questionnaires are included in the report, as well as the instruments used to validate the GCED materials.


Table of Contents
Introduction, p.1
Objectives, p.2

Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, p.2
Methods, p.4 
Project Progress, p.7
Outputs, p.8 
Outcomes, p.11
Emerging Good Practices and Lessons Learned, p.16
Conclusion, p.18

Recommendations, p.19 
Photo Credits, p.20

References, p.21